An Information Night will be held this Monday, January 13, 2025, 7pm-8pm, in the Emmaus Room in the Parish Center. Carrying a heavy burden? Having difficulty forgiving? Living with past hurts? Feeling tied up or weighed down? Come see if Unbound might be for you. Totally confidential, loving, non-judgmental, and guided by The Holy Spirit.
Do you often feel anxious or out of control of certain situations? Do you have doubts that God really hears you and cares about you? Have you had trauma in your life that you had no control over? Do these very real feelings rob you of happiness and joy? Then, an Unbound Prayer Healing Session just might be for you. Unbound is a gospel-centered method of presenting the very Real, Deep, and Infinite Love of God the Father to each of his children that, after all, he created to be joyful, happy, and free in this life. The enemy has filled us with lies, doubts, and fear – Unbound is a way to remove these hidden chains that bind us down in life. God wants you to know this love, to actually feel this love, and to trust in Him to provide the answers to all of your situations.
The Unbound Ministry is a ministry of healing in which a trained prayer team prays with an individual, assisting him/her in overcoming the spiritual obstacles they encounter in their walk of discipleship and to take hold of greater freedom in Christ.
Many of us are fighting invisible battles and carry bitter wounds that never seem to heal. Perhaps from things in our past that we had either forgotten about or had never really dealt with. We need to process what we’ve been through.
Individuals who come for Unbound prayer share their personal story related to the area where they sense they need freedom and are led by the prayer team through a series of prayers based on the Five Keys of Unbound. This 90-minute prayer session is loving, non-judgmental, and confidential.
We all have areas in our lives where we don’t experience freedom:
Unbound Prayer does not replace the ordinary means of growth in the Christian life such as personal prayer and the sacraments. Nor does it replace the ordinary means of human development such as counseling and other forms of psychological support. It serves as an additional tool that addresses specifically the spiritual influences that are frequently a part of any personal problem. The healing comes from the Holy Spirit.
How long does an Unbound Session Last?
About 90 minutes on average.
How much does it cost?
Nothing, but some time to prepare yourself to receive these gifts
What preparation must I do?
Read the book “Unbound – a Practical Guide for Healing” by Neal Lozano (available in our Gift Shop at Immaculate Conception Parish Center), or read the pdf linked below, or watch the videos linked below.
What can I expect in an Unbound Session?
Watch the videos linked below.
Who is Unbound for?
All of us carry hurts, unforgiven anger, and doubts about God from time to time. Many of us carry both seen and unseen trauma that impacted us greatly. These invisible chains rob us of God’s intended peace, joy, and freedom in our day-to-day lives. If this describes you, then Unbound is for you, and for all your family members who likewise suffer.
How do I sign up to receive an Unbound Prayer Healing Session?
Click the link below to contact the Unbound Ministry. You will be called and asked some questions prior to the scheduling of your session. There will be an Unbound Team to pray with you, consisting of a Leader and one or two Intercessors to pray to God for you during the session. Everything is confidential. The session focuses on you and you coming to know and receive God’s Love for you.
Click the link below for the article on the Gift of an Unbound Prayer Healing Session.