We thank all who already made their gift to the New Hampshire Catholic Appeal: Future of our Faith II. Your gift will enable the Catholic Church in New Hampshire to meet the increasing needs of parishes, Catholic schools, retired clergy, seminarians, and much more. If you were not able to make your gift yet, please visit the Diocese website or bring your gift and drop it in the collection box at Mass next weekend. We thank you on behalf of all who will come to know the loving hand of Christ and our Church through your generosity.
The New Hampshire Catholic Appeal: Future of our Faith II, One Bread, One Body is an initiative for our Diocese to grow and expand ministries in the Church in New Hampshire. It has consolidated six of our annual collections under one Appeal along with the Catholic Charities NH in-pew special collection appeal and the Parable magazine drive. We are grateful to all who donated to the NHCA last year. The New Hampshire Catholic Appeal will help fund essential services and ministries like the care for our retired priests, education and formation of seminarians, Catholic education, Parable magazine, the Community Services program Catholic Charities NH and more. Everyone in our parish will receive a copy of the Appeal materials so that you can learn more about the NHCA and how you can participate. As you consider making your gift, please consider what you have given to these individual collections (Seminarian Fund, Retired Priest Fund, Parish to Parish Support Fund, Catholic University of America and USCCB, Catholic Education/Catholic Schools, N.H. Missionaries Abroad and Migrant & Refugee Ministry in NH) plus to Parable Magazine and the Catholic Charities NH Special collection appeal. Our parish goal this year is $97,710.00 and any money raised over that goal will be rebated to our parish to use for our parish needs. Together, we are many parts of the Church in New Hampshire, but one body of Christ, and we can make a difference in the lives of many people. To make your gift, please return the gift envelope that you will receive in the mail, call the Appeal Office at 603-663-0170, or visit:
Lord God and Father,
We are Your people, united in our love for You and for one another. We thank You for the many gifts You have given to us, and we welcome Your presence in our lives at all times. We ask that you continue to draw us closer to You and to strengthen our resolve to assist those among us who are most in need.
Our diocese is many parts, and one body of Christ. Through the New Hampshire Catholic Appeal: Future of our Faith, allow us to come together to share our time, talent, and treasure with those who need our assistance.
Let us grasp more fully that the help we extend to others is the most powerful expression of our gratitude to You, as well as a genuine testimony to our faith.
Through your son Jesus Christ, make our prayer to You one that brings hope and charity to the future of our faith in New Hampshire. Amen.